4 thoughts on “Now Available: The Iron Dead

  1. I’m keeping the book at 99 cents for a while longer. Contrary to what I said elsewhere, I’m doing a *tiny* bit of advertising, and I want to keep the lower price until that plays out. I’m sure there won’t be any complaints.

  2. I was just checking it out on the Amazon/Kindle site, to see how it’s doing and if there are any reviews. I don’t have a Kindle myself, and of course I followed the story in previous incarnations, but I’m still tempted to throw a buck your way just to help out. I’m also tempted to write a review, even though it would be from my memory of the story, but don’t know if I should.

    Anyway, I was looking at the preview online and saw the “dedication page”. I feel honored, unless there’s another “Nate” you were referring to.

    Seriously, I wish you the best of luck on making some money with this effort, and hope it eventually leads to new stories. I’ll be watching and following, and will do anything I can to encourage my friends who are inclined to these kind of stories to read it.

  3. For what it’s worth, I linked the Amazon page to my Facebook feed and gave you a positive blurb. Again, good luck.

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