Dark Icon Original Fiction. SciFi/Fantasy/Horror


Chapter 6: Dining at the Griffin


Out of the corner of her eye she noted that the envoy was slightly
blushing - for a courtier he was obviously a rather sheltered individual.

::Such knowledge could make you a wealthy man,:: Batista sent with a quick
grin. Little shocked her, but she had long since learned to gracefully
skirt men's advances - for therein lay a weakness in many of her disguises
- her knowledge of seduction came only from books.

::Though,:: she added, ::You are probably well-off - for it sounds like
with your range of knowledge that you would be greatly in demand.::


"Yes...hmm... I wonder if I should ask for a raise?   Nowadays I slave
away at a local jeweler, tending to the grossly overpriced trinkets
and their ridiculously simple enchantments.   Perhaps you've heard
of it... the House of December?"


::I have heard of it,:: Batista answered, with a nod, ::Matter-of-fact, I
sold some fire opals there....::

She smiled over at Lawrince Ournel and added, ::A transaction which is on

"Of course," he answered, "I am just a little surprised, though, that a
cloth merchant would be getting such gemstones for payment."

::Actually, its not too unusual for Montfort,:: she anwered, ::Not with
the sheer number of adventurers who come through, but that is combined
with the fact that for many of the citizens jewelry and trinkets might be
all they had left. The flow of actual coin and cash was severly damaged
when the Republica's bank blew up.::

Batista sent to Lovvorn only - since she had her doubts that the envoy
would enjoy the tale, ::I understand it was quite impressive...I wasn't in
the area at the time, but some of the Refusers who were around said it was
spectacular. The story goes that the Bank's defenses held against an
asteroid, and that the explosion came later - after the Republica had
evacuated. I think that the crater is a pond or such now, though its
not as large as the crater that was the Church.::

There was quiet, dry, laughter in her sending as she added, ::The irony is
that a similiar ploy with the asteroid was used against the Church right
before the False Dawn. I guess "turn about is fair."::

After a little more food and the barest taste of wine, which was liberally
washed down with lemon-scented water - to clear the pallet, she added so
both men could "hear," ::Your employer has a very impressive establishment
and I can well see why he needs expert security measures - some of those
gemstones look priceless....though my knowledge of gems is at the most


"Bah... those trinkets?   Those are just the display pieces...
You should see the ones he hides away!   Diamonds the size of my...
well...  they're very large.   He has his own diamond  mine, you know.
Very secret...hush-hush.   I don't even think the MINERS know where
it is."


Batista watched as the envoy focused on his meal and had a strong
suspicion at his train of thought (she would have "read" him, except for
the fact that the palace mages had been careful enough to put in blocks).
She didn't doubt that he was pondering yet more evidence that many of
Montfort's new "businessmen" were much more than what they seemed. And was
probably also weighing duty to the Crown's coffers and duty to his own
life - since he had seen a little of what Lovvorn could do _and_ the
company he kept. Now, as to whether or not Mr. Hood worked for the same
employer, the evidence was more circumstantial since the mage had not said
a word about his knife-wielding companion of the other night. However,
Batista, remembered the bits of conversation she had overheard as "Theesa
Natch," when she had met the two men at the PanDemonica, and she would
almost put money that the two did indeed work for the same boss.

She decided against following that train of conversation - Lovvorn might
be talkative but he was no fool, and there was no purpose served in
putting a crimp in the evening by asking needlessly suspicious questions.
Instead she widened her blue-tinted eyes a bit, and sent, ::Then those
gems must be _phenomenal_ and your employer a very fortunate man to have
acquired such a mine. Those have the sound of gems that are fit for the
highest of royalty! Though I'm sure, he probably already has some august

"Even the display gems sound quite fascinating," Lawrince added, "Perhaps
such a shop should be mentioned to the Queen of Havenwood...."


Lovvorn's smile froze on his face.

"Ohhh...well, you see.... December and royalty...ahh... don't uhhh...
We'll I'm SURE the Queen is a very nice woman and December
would NEVER turn away a paying customer.... but... hmmm...
He isn't a very big FAN of royalty.   I've travelled with him from place to
place for quite a while now, and our experiences with royalty have
always been... rather negative.   Large amounts of jewels and
valuables tend to bring out the worst in people... espescially
those who ALREADY own half of everything.     No offense to your


"None taken," Lawrince said evenly, "And though I have heard that the
Queen of Havenwood is one of the more personable representatives of
royalty it does sound like it would be an 'uncomfortable' situation all
in all...."

Nor could he argue Lovvorn's observation about most royalty, which
included the King he now served. Though _that_ was a comment Lawrince
would never, ever, make aloud. He settled for, "Its sadly true that
beautiful gems seem to bring out the lowest of greed in some people."

Batista had settled to eating some of her salad, and pondering the power
structure of Montfort. This "jeweler" was beginning to show, in some
aspects, a similiar pattern to Bryce Amberghylles... considerable
resources to start with and a history of traveling. Mostly just a surface
pattern, though she did wonder if Mr. December's travels were on Ifreann,
or if he _too_ traveled through more than one world? And how large a power
base did he have?

::Both you and your Mr. December sound incredibly well-traveled...,::
Batista sent.


"We've been to our share of places and done our share of things.
Wherever we *haven't* been probably isn't worth going to.  Ahh...
the stories I could tell!  My dear, I've seen things that..."

Lovvorn cast a sideways glance at the envoy and then gulped down
his last beer.

"But then I'm just a recent addition  to the staff...  who even KNOWS how
many places he's been before I came along.   He certainly has his share
of friends from...uhh...interesting locations, if you know what I mean."


"Montfort does seem to be a focal point for many interesting individuals,"
Lawrince said, diplomatically, after dapping a linen napkin to his

::Indeed,:: Batista replied, though a little disappointed that the envoy's
presence had negated gaining more information about one of those
"interesting" individuals.

She pushed back her plate and sent, ::A delightful late dinner.::

"And probably the only quiet one I'll be having for awhile," Lawrince
added, "From here on it will official functions to attend..."

He nodded to both Lovvorn and Batista and said, "Again, thank you for your
aid and for being my dinner companions this eve."


"Of course!    And if ever there is a surplus of free ale that you need
assistance with,  please feel free to call upon my services!   And
Your Envoyness... I must say that you are a refreshing change from
the other royal hangers-on that I have met!   I hope your little incident
won't color your opinion of this city.   Should either of you require
my company, you know where to find me!   Ta-Ta!"

Lovvon got up from the table and stumbled outside, where he
vanished in his usual fashion.