Dark Icon Original Fiction. SciFi/Fantasy/Horror


Chapter 13: Filip Menagrem's Statement

I can't believe this is happening....I can't believe Denlira is dead.

They claim I attacked that old man - the Envoy they say - more like a
bully I would say. I had been in that park earlier in the day - trying to
avoid going back to that shack ....I never knew what I'd come home to. Who
I'd come home to. But I wasn't in the park that night. Sadly, since who in
this foresaken town notices you, there are no witnesses to voach that I
was wandering amongst the late vendors. Again, trying to avoid seeing what
Denlira (oh how I loved her) had brought home.

I had just worked up my nerve to go home when I saw the fire - and saw how
vicious the mob looked. Those vagrants don't like mages and hate fire
worse, so I knew they'd blame me just by my coming near.

I teleported - but with my fear for what had become of my love and fear
that the mob would take me apart before I learned the truth - I didn't
focus and ended up in a blasted place. It looked like a picture of one of
the Ratthian Hells - and _worse yet_ I couldn't control my magic!

I walked. Not really having sense of direction I just walked. Until I saw
this huge ruin - and hoping for some shelter for the night. Figuring that
at first light I'd make my way back to town - and go to the Guard to plead
for their help in finding my dear, dear Denlira. She might have strayed,
but my heart is her's.

But if I had thought the landscape looked like a version of the Hells -
the interior was worse!! I fell through a weak place in the floor and
found myself in what _had to be_ the dungeon!!!! There was rubble and
bones everywhere as I wandered around - and whether it was really her or
not or some fiend tormenting me I don't know - but I could see Denlira's
ghost pleading with me to find her murderer. Pleading with me to forgive
her her catting ways. Of course, I forgive her I loved her!! I just wish
(if that was really her ghost) that she could tell who did this to her!!
Unless her heart was always evil and she takes glee in seeing me condemned
to this? No, I can't believe that. Her morals were weak but she would
never be so cruel. I have to believe she loved me in her own way!!

After wandering for far longer than I know I heard others in the dungeons
- and I truly feared for my life then!! For who would be in such place?
adventurers at best!! Or cultists!!! Montfort is rift with practioners of
the Evil arts and what better place for them to meet?!

Some instinct. Some sense of self-preversation made me flee - though I was
half-mad with fear.

But fleeing was my downfall - for they saw me - and the tall thin one
stalked me like a rabid predator. Seeming to take glee in my terror.

He ran me to ground and when the others arrived .....I should tell of the
others......One was the old gent, the Envoy they say, three looked to be
heathens from some tribe, one looked like a crazed, fat clown - but with
an evil sense of humor for he mocked me, and the last.....Oh the last was
a woman who looked as beautiful and evil as any succubus - all midnight
blue silk and midnight black hair. Tell me what fine lady walks the evil
dungeons of a ruin - dressed like she is going out for an evening?! And
she - with mind speech not a word from the tongue - told the one who held
me to torture me!!

See the nose wounds?! See the mark beneath my eye? He did this to me -
while the old one - this Envoy? - questioned me about the body in the
river. And accused me of killing Denlira!! Me?!

How did they come to her body so quickly? And the old one seemed to need
to know about the body - seemed to fear something about that body. All I
had ever heard of this Netit Venit was I heard Denlira speak of a Netit
one night and desired to hear no more. Oh my poor, poor love!!

By then I was so terrified I babbled anything in hopes I would live. And
maybe. Just maybe reach civilization to tell the truth!!