Dark Icon Original Fiction. SciFi/Fantasy/Horror

Streets of Ice

Chapter 8: House of December


They left December's abode and headed east, towards the heart of the city. Theesa felt uneasy and somewhat self-conscious as they made their way down the semi-crowded streets, but the same people

who had spat upon her earlier didn't give her a second glance as she and December strolled past. Perhaps it was her new, more presentable clothes, or perhaps it was December's status in the town... but whatever the reason, Theesa enjoyed not being the object of ridicule.

December, however as acting rather strange...even for him.

When they first departed, December paused behind her on the doorstep. It seemed as if he were waiting for someone, but of course there was no one there. Theesa was about to question him when he nodded to himself and started walking, as if an invisible friend had just arrived. For the next block or so, Theesa's chilling benefactor shot furtive glances up to the rooftops of nearby buildings. Theesa saw nothing when *she* looked, but December's actions made it clear enough that at least *he* thought there was something up there.

They walked in silence for a while, and then December decided to bless the morning with his voice.

"My store is nearby," he said, "We are taking a longer route, but I am afraid we will not see much of the city until after we leave there, but if you will be patient while I attend to a few matters, I shall show you all that there is to see."

"I'm surprised that you even know your way around." replied Theesa. "You paranoid types usually stay in your own little worlds."

"And what experience have you had with my... type?"

"You're the first to kidnap me and hold me hostage, if that's what you mean."

"And you are the first person that I have had the pleasure of escorting through the city."

Theesa raised her brow in curiosity. Was that a compliment, or a not-so-subtle attempt to steer the conversation away from kidnapping and attempted murder?

"So," she said. "You never did answer my question about your evil twin."

She saw December smile briefly.

"I'm serious." said Theesa. "You don't seem the type to take long walks."

"I have a mage on staff," he replied. "I can... and often do... have myself teleported to and from the store at any time. In addition, the plans for the tunnel have just been finalized-"

"A Tunnel? You're joking, right?"


"What kind of a jeweler needs a tunnel?"

"It is a dangerous city, as you have seen first-hand."

"I'm sure not every shopkeeper has a secret tunnel from his house to his store. Why you?"

"It is an indulgence I can easily afford."

"And the city's just going to let you dig your own private walkway under the street?"

"Montfort is already riddled with such things. There is, in fact, an entire city buried beneath the one you see here. One more tunnel will-"

"That's not saying why. But on second thought, the whole idea suits you."

"Be warned, Theesa. I am much more than I seem."

"So you say, but you're not as mysterious as you think you are. I think I've got you figured out. I know why you're so paranoid."

"I am not paranoid. Merely cautious."

"So do you still think the King brothers are going to come and get you?"

December stopped walking and looked down at Theesa.

"They hurt you," she continued. "Are you afraid they're going to come and hurt you again?"

"The King brothers are long d-"

"I didn't mean that literally. You hide out in that house and act crazy whenever someone threatens to find out your little secrets... whatever they are. Like you said... this is a dangerous city. I think you're afraid of being hurt again. "

"December hides from no one."

"Sure you do. Mages and tunnels? Wards on your house that are better than I've seen on... well... anything. You tried to KILL me for gods' sake! And your past... people may discount my visions as just parlor tricks, but I can get to the root of things VERY quickly."

"And what is the 'root'?"

"You're afraid. What happened with the King brothers meant *something* to you, because if it didn't then the impression wouldn't have been so strong. I *felt* your fear, December. They hurt you...maybe I haven't seen the whole story, but THAT MUCH is obvious. They hurt you and made you afraid, and you've been hiding ever since. They may be gone, but your fear of men like them has driven you to the point of insanity."

December continued his blank stare.

"I'm right, aren't I?"

December threw back his head and laughed. It was a deep, resonating boom that lasted for almost a full minute.

"That," he said "Was VERY amusing."

"Oh, deny it if you want, but the truth-"

"Is more ironic than you could ever HOPE to fathom from what little you have seen."

"Ironic? Ironic how?"

"Perhaps one day.." December continued walking.

"All right. Then show me. You stopped the last vision before it could finish... let me see the rest."

"That would be difficult to do now... the quilt that activated your talent remains at my home."

"I meant later. Let me see the rest and I'll prove that I'm right."

December smiled again.

"What?" said Theesa. "What did I say that was so amusing THIS time?"

"I was-"

A sudden sound caused December to cut himself short. It was a small stone hitting the ground near his boot. December stood motionless, with his eyes fixed on the rooftop of a nearby building.

"Someone throwing rocks at us?" said Theesa.

"No. It was a signal."

"From who?

A man began screaming. The sound was close by, and seemed to be coming from *above* them... perhaps on the roof of the same building that had drawn December's attention. Some poor soul was yelling and howling as if he were being tortured... and then the sound stopped as suddenly as it began.

A chill went down Theesa's spine. Her hand wandered up to grasp December's cold palm as she studied the roof. Holding December's hand was like grasping a block of ice, but Theesa felt reassured that he was there with her.

"W-What was that?"

"Nothing we need concern ourselves with. You are quite safe with me."

"But what WAS it?"

"We were being followed. That situation has now be rectified."

Theesa didn't know what sounded more ominous: the fact that they were being followed, or the implication of December's last phrase...

"Perhaps we should move along to our destination." said December.

"Uh-huh." Theesa nodded. December gave her hand a squeeze, and together they continued.

Her hand never left his.

[Lovvorn & Zade]

"So, where do you know this Chain fellow from?" said Lovvorn. "Old lover, perhaps... hmmm?"

The mage was pacing back and forth across the white carpet of December's store, occasionally mopping his brow with an orange handkerchief. In contrast, Zade leaned calmly against the stairway to the store's upper level. Her arms were crossed defiantly across her ample chest, and she looked like she had just finished killing someone. Which, of course, she had. She was trying her best to keep her eyes away from Lovvorn... the mage's garish robe made her head throb, and the attention would only encourage him.

"Chain is none of your business," she replied.

"Oh, I think it is. He did try to KILL me, after all."

"Belladrox tried to kill you. If CHAIN tried to kill you, you'd be dead."

"You just don't want me to know. You know, if you and are EVER to become a proper couple-"

"In your dreams!"

"-then I simply MUST know what standards I am expected to live up to. Tell me."


"Come on. Please? Indulge me... I'm bored."

"We fought together once. That's all. It was a long time ago."

"Lover's quarrel?"

"December's late." said Zade, easily changing the subject. "Something's wrong."

"He's not late. He's just not early-"

"Which makes him late. Use your magic to find him."

"Oh, the boss doesn't like it when I do that."

"He could be in danger."

"HA! The boss.... in danger... that's funny."

"You don't know Chain. December is a target... and so is Eric. We should find them both, right now."

"Trust me... Eric is in noooo danger. If Hood is on the prowl, then it's that Chain friend of yours that's in danger."

"Chain is not a friend. And I fought Eric once and wasn't impressed."

"Oh, that night in the alley? And I bet you think you took him by surprise, too... HA!"

"So what are you saying, that he WANTED me to capture him?"


"Ridiculous. Do you know what Fletcher did to that man?"

"... and what ever HAPPENED to Fletcher, by the way? Hmmm?"

Zade frowned as she tried to remember. She had assumed that Fletcher had been killed when Sinterbourne's building burned to the ground. But now that she thought about it... she remembered Sinterbourne trying to tell her something during their own escape from the building. Something about Fletcher... what DID happen to him?

Meanwhile, Lovvorn continued talking...

"Why, I remember once when a man named Kessel owed the Boss some money. Kessel decided not to pay... and instead of running and hiding like any REASONABLE idiot would do, Kessel takes the money he owes and throws a huge party..."

"A challenge." said Zade. "He was flaunting his disregard... daring December to act."

"Whatever. Anyway, he throws this party and the boss sends me and Eric in to... uhh... you know."

"Yeah. What's the point?"

"So we get to the ballroom and slip inside."

"How'd YOU manage THAT?" Zade nodded at Lovvorn's robe.

"Oh, I was invisible. But Eric wasn't... that's important. So I'm standing there, leaning against the wall. Sort of how you are now... only my legs weren't quite as long and smooth and se-"

"The STORY!"

"Oh! And Eric just walks in. Room FULL of people. Sixty or a hundred at LEAST. He walks in and strolls through the crowd... walks around a while... and then leaves."


"So, Kessel and every last one of his men were dead. Throats cut. None of the guests ever saw a THING!"


"Guess you had to be there."

"Guess so."

"THEN there was the time that he and N'Doki stomped all over the Psionicists Guild. Now THAT was a night to remember... unfortunately I was more drunk than usual and the details are kind of fuzzy."

At that moment, the store's front door opened.

"Boss!" shouted Lovvorn. Despite his show of confidence, the little man had obviously been worried.

"Decem-" Zade stopped and frowned. December wasn't alone... he had entered the store in the company of what looked like a... woman? "Who the Hell is that?"


When December paused in the doorway, Theesa squeezed past him and entered what was perhaps the most elaborate store she had ever seen. The plush white carpet was completely spotless, and every inch of the place looked as if it had been dusted and polished five seconds ago. The glass display cases gleamed to the point that they were almost painful to behold... and inside each case was a collection of jewelry and loose stones that was literally breathtaking. There were gemstones... emeralds and rubies... that were the size of Theesa's fists. One case held a diamond that was larger than any gem she had seen in her life.

"Theesa is my guest," said December. He was addressing the other two people in the store. One was a short, fat man dressed in an outlandishly colored robe, and the other was a tall, athletic woman that was half-dressed in a suit of very revealing leather 'armor'. She had a black leather whip coiled at her side, and, to Theesa, she looked like an unlikely combination of warrior and prostitute.

"What KIND of guest?" said the warrior/prostitute/woman. She was obviously displeased.

"Don't be rude, Zade." said the fat man. "I am Lovvorn - Mage extraordinaire."

He approached and offered Theesa his hand.

Theesa stared at it and looked up at December.

"Allow me to introduce my employees... Lovvorn is the mage that I mentioned-"

"Ahh... My reputation precedes me!"

"And Zade handles my security."

"You work with..." Theesa eyed the pair. December actually EMPLOYED these two? A fat clown and a... a...

Wait... was this the same woman that Theesa saw in her vision? She had been sneaking into December's house. Who was she? A lover? Probably. Theesa's chest tightened...

"What are YOU looking at?" said Zade. She stepped away from the wall and squeezed herself in between Lovvorn and Theesa.

"I- I don't really know."

"What!" Zade's nostrils flared.

"Zade!" barked December. "She is with me."

"Uh-huh. Look, stow her somewhere for a while... we've got to talk."

"I am not a package to be 'stowed.' Mr. December is kind enough to take me on a tour of the city!"

Zade and Lovvorn looked at each other, then at December, then back at Theesa.

"Okaaaay..." said Lovvorn.

"Our visit here will be brief. I need to view yesterday's receipts-"

"That'll be quick... we didn't sell anything. As usual." said Lovvorn.

"But we DO need to talk. Alone."

"I see. Theesa, perhaps you should take a look out here around while I conference in the back room. I would advise against leaving the store, however."

"So, I'm a prisoner again?"

"Prisoner?" said Zade. "I didn't know you WENT for that sort of thing, December. Need to borrow my whip for a while?"

"I do not."

"I'll wait out here while you three talk about jewels." said Theesa.

"Jewels?" said Lovvorn. He looked at December and whispered: "Boss, does she know-"

"Theesa, perhaps you should pick something out for yourself." December indicated a horizontal display case that was filled with diamond earrings and necklaces.

"Who?" said Theesa. "Me? You mean... you're kidding right?"


"But these are... the size... none of these things are real, right? It's all costume jewelry? Fake?"

"I assure you that everything here is as genuine as you and I. Now if you will excuse us."

December made sure the front door was locked, and then preceded Zade and Lovvorn into the back room. That closed and locked behind them.


They stood in the dim study that comprised the rear portion of the store. Two large work tables stood at opposite ends of the rectangular room, with most of the remaining space taken up by stacks of crates, footlockers and strongboxes.

"What is this about?" said December as soon as the door was locked.

"Who was that... woman?" said Zade.

"That is none of your affair."

"Nice choice of words." said Lovvorn.

"Oh, I think it is. We've got trouble, and the LAST thing we need is for you to be distracted by that... person."

"We were attacked today." said Lovvorn. "Me, Eric, and Zade. Maybe N'Doki... not that HE matters..."

"I was followed as well," said December. "It is not something I am unaccustomed to... J'Hasp handled the matter with his usual efficiency"

"Hood thinks it's this guy named Chain-"

"Chain again. Eric and I have had this conversation before."

"But not with ME." said Zade. "Chain is bad news. Real bad... he's not a criminal or a cheap hired sword like you and your men are used to. He's a mercenary. A soldier. He leads armies into battle, and word is that he's already gathered one here in Montfort. Eric's trying to track down N'Doki and the Night's Bloom right now. We need to get ready-"

"We will deal with this Chain when he strikes." said December.

"That's the problem. He's moving too fast. Today was a test. If we wait until his first real strike then we will have waited too late."

"I doubt that very seriously. And what of you Lovvorn? What is YOUR opinion on his man?"

"huh? You're asking MY opinion? I, uhh... I mean..."

"You two are wasting my valuable time. We have a meeting tonight, and we shall discuss the matter then... that is if you can manage to keep yourselves alive for the remainder of the day."

"I, uhhh..."

December turned towards the door.

"Wait?" said Zade. "Where are you going?"

"To continue my walk, of course."

"Did you hear ANYTHING we just said? We were attacked. You are being followed..."

"I WAS being followed. That situation has been corrected."

"So you're just going to walk on out-"

December spun and glared at Zade. Lovvorn backed away as the temperature in the room began to fall rapidly.

"I do whatever I please. It is NOT your place to question me. I excuse your insolence for now, woman... but do not test me further."

"Okay, Mr. Sinterbourne," said Zade through clenched teeth. "Whatever you say."

"I am NOT Sinterbourne."

"Sorry. My mistake."

"Do not make it again."

December stormed out of the back room and into he main shop. The door slammed closed behind him. Zade started to follow...

[Zade and Lovvorn]

"AHEM!" said Lovvorn. "I think we should stay back here until he's gone."

"Oh yeah? Why?"

"Trust me... we'll be MUCH more comfortable back here."

"Fine." Zade walked over to a workbench and sat down.

"You're pushing it," said the mage.


"But there's a bright side to that lovely sarcasm of yours."

"What's that?"

"When he freezes you solid, I'm going to have you placed in my bedchamber so that I can admire your eternal beauty. Of course, I'll have to find a way to remove that pesky armor you're wearing... That'll be hard to do once you're an icicle, so would you mind stripping naked just before he gives you the touch?"

"Over MY DEAD-.... you wouldn't... Oh shut up!"

"Just thought I'd ask."

"So who was that woman?"

"Good question.... If I didn't know better I'd swear Big Frosty's libido just thawed."

"Her? She has the body of a seven year old boy! All legs and hair! Probably can't fight worth a damn."

"Dear Zade, I think you've missed the point entirely. Somehow I don't think they're going to go back to his house and practice their swordsmanship."

"That's even worse."

"Hmm... the boss must be several years out of practice by now. I wonder if he would like one of my endurance spells?"

"Don't start, Lovvorn."

"Or I could show him a few of my... uh... well, then I'd need a partner to demonstrate." Lovvorn raised his eyebrows at Zade.

"You... are the most disgusting man on the planet."

"Me? No, you must have me confused with N'Doki. I remember this one time when he and-"

"Forget it." Zade rose and headed for the door.

"Where are you going?"

"I'd rather take my chances with the lovebirds." She opened the door and looked outside, "Oh, great." she said.


"I'm not gonna try... you have GOT to see this for yourself..."


When the unusual trio was gone, Theesa wandered over to the display case and admired the pieces of extravagant jewelry it contained. December had told her to pick one out, but she couldn't even bring herself to touch the glass. She didn't even feel comfortable being in the same *room* most of these jewels... and actually taking one out and *wearing* it was out of the question. Taking such a gift from December would only lead to... what?

What did he expect in return? Certainly SOMETHING... all men expected things. But December wasn't quite like any man she had ever met before. Was that good or bad? Both. But then what did SHE expect from HIM? December had given her freedom, so why was she following him around town like a lost puppy?

Curiosity? Yes, she *was* curious about the man that had both helped her and tried to kill her all in the same day. But that wasn't all. Theesa flexed her fingers... they were still slightly numb from holding December's hand most of the way here. It had felt so natural that she didn't even realize they were doing it until they reached they store.

Out of the corner of her eye, Theesa saw something on the floor. It was a bright orange handkerchief that must have belonged to the mage. Theesa walked over and picked it up. She was about to throw it behind the main counter, but then she got a better idea.

Holding the object in her hand, Theesa closed her eyes and opened her mind...

A wave of nausea washed over her.

Something was *wrong!* Her visions almost always showed her the past... but this... this was the FUTURE.

She tried to shut off the vision, but it would not stop. It came... and came...

Screaming... high and desperate. A man... a man in so much pain... It was Lovvorn. The blood... the pain... screaming... screaming... the pain...The Pain... THE PAIN!!

Theesa's own body convulsed as she experienced the mage's future. She spasmed and fell backward, almost passing out...

She fell into December's arms.

"I see your curiosity got the best of you once again."


"What did you see?"

"F-f-...future... he was... he was... oh gods, he was DYING!"


Theesa held up the handkerchief.

"Lovvorn." said December. His expression was blank for a moment, and then he smiled, "You probably activated one of his spells... a false image to prevent prying eyes."

"That... wasn't... a spell..."

"Lovvorn is a VERY good mage."

"I- I think we should warn him."

"Warn him of what? That he is going to die? Of ALL of us, Lovvorn is most aware that life is ephemeral... that is why he enjoys his to the fullest. Now, let us go-"

There was a knock at the front door. Theesa jumped, and December steadied her.

He studied the door for a moment, and then unlocked and opened it. At first, Theesa thought that there was no one there, but an instant later, a little girl burst into the room...

"Sember!" she squealed as she danced around December. The girl was perhaps five or six, with long blond hair that reminded Theesa of her own. She wore a long dress that was perhaps a size too big and much too fancy for such an energetic young child.

"Sember! Sember!" she continued dancing and twirling until December stooped down and scooped her up into the air.

Now that the child was stationary, Theesa could see some burn marks on the girl's face and arms. They weren't recent, but they had been severe. Someone had taken very good care of her since then.

"Katerina." said December. His voice was still a deep near-monotone, but there was a touch of something that wasn't there before. He held the girl in his arms like a father would hold his own child. Katerina even bore a slight resemblance to December... not to the way he looked now, but the younger, kinder version Theesa had seen in her visions. December holding Katerina was such a surreal scene that Theesa couldn't help but find amusing. Neither could Zade and Lovvorn, who were both peeking out of the back room.

"Who's the lady!" said the girl. She pointed at Theesa. "Is she a Tumor?"

"The word is 'customer.'"

"Yeah, that's what I said!"

"Katherine, I would like you to meet Theesa. Theesa, Katherine."

"Hey lady!"

"Hello," said Theesa. She looked inquisitively at December. "Daughter?"

"I rescued Katherine from a burning building several weeks ago."

"You're just a regular hero, aren't you?" said Theesa. December gave her an unpleasant look and returned his attention to the girl.

"Katerina what are you doing here alone?"

"I'm not 'lone! I'm wit you and the lady!"

"I see, but where is Uncle Therus? He is supposed to be taking care of you from now on..."

"Me and him were walking and then there was this big BOOM and these men FLEW out of the alley and landed in the street and there was this other man with a funny hand and then Uncle Therus said he had to work so he said for me to come here and wait for him!"

"I see. How would you like to join Theesa and I for a long walk?"

"OOOO! Can I?"

"Certainly. If you think you can help me later..."

"Hep you do what!"

"You will just have to wait and see. Come... let us walk." December lowered her to the floor. The girl instinctively grasped December's left hand. December held out his right... and Theesa took it in her own after only a moment's hesitation.

Together they left the store.

[Lovvorn & Zade]

"This is bad." said Lovvorn as they emerged from the back room. "This is... OHH this is bad."


[Rivus and Hars]

"...so then she kicks down the door and we all rush in do deal with Sol's lads."

Hars and Rivus were enjoying a vaguely satisfying meal in the underground catacombs that served as the Night's Bloom headquarters. The drafty, stone-walled chamber was lit with flickering torches, and the smell of hearty beef stew barely muffled the natural mustiness of their underground hideout. In other parts of the catacombs, the sounds of vigorous swordplay rang out as the Night's Bloom rogues honed their skills with sparing and solo practice with swords. One of the traditional advantages of being a thief was the hours... up all night, sleep all day. Unfortunately, Hars was a harsh taskmaster, and he kept his men up and active for the better part of the day. Always practicing... always ready.

"Kicked the door down?" said Rivus incredulously. "Yeah... she LOOKS like the door-kickin' type. Legs like those..." Rivus shook his head. "So what about rat-boy?"

"Who?" said Hars.

"Hood. Where was HE while you and the lady were doin' all the fightin'?"

"He was right in there with us." said Hars. "He pulls out that little knife o' his and dives right inta the middle of 'em. When the dust settled and the screamin' stopped, Hood had killed more than me and the lass put together."

"Yeah. Right."

"S'true! Wouldn't hav believed it myself it I hadn't seen it with my own eyes. I was expectin' him to grab a weapon offa one my kills and go to work... but he kept that tiny knife and went through eight men like water through a sieve."

Rivus chuckled and took another noisy slurp of stew.

"Fine then," said Hars. "DON'T believe me."

"Guess ya had to be there. And Zade... how'd SHE fight?"

"Like a rabid stallion with a briar up its arse."


"I looked up and saw her throwin' a couple a' men around like... well, like me."

"Well she can throw ME around any day, I tell ya-"

"Hold on there......" Hars frowned and tilted his bearded head towards the door. He listened to the silence for a while, an then: "I DON'T HERE NO FIGHTIN' IN THERE, LADS!!!"

Elsewhere in the catacombs, someone shouted something unintelligible and the sounds of swordplay echoed again through the stone halls.

"They're probably sittin' down banging their swords together." said Rivus.

"We'll see about that when I finish eatin'."

"You think they're ready for a mission?"

Hars paused and raised an eyebrow.

"What kinda mission."

"Gold. Tonight. Got the details from Mereth. I'm thinkin' it's a good initiation for the new boys."

"Maybe. But don't we have a meeting with December-"

"It's a late shipment. 'Round midnight. We'll be done with His Lord and Majesty by then."

"Midnight, eh? That's kinda late to be shippin' valuables into town... so who is it we're gonna separating from their gold?"

Rivus shrugged and smiled.

"I see," said Hars. "Looks like I might be havin' some fun on this one."

"Could be. I'll keep the rest of the men on standby in case you run into trouble."

"Excuse me, sirs." a short youth leaned into the room. "You've got a visitor-"

"Outta my way, punk."

Eric Hood shoved the 'guard' aside violently and stepped into the room. He paused briefly... his eyes darted from one corner of the room to the next. He probed every nook and cranny, then looked at Hars.

"We're havin' trouble."

"Yeah? Who?"

"Same guy I had your men follow yesterday. Chain. He's made his first move-"

"Who got killed?"

"Nobody yet. What about your men? Any problems-"

"AHEM!" Rivus cleared his throat to draw Hood's attention. "'His men'? You ARE aware that I'M in charge here, right?"

Eric Hood looked at him for a second, and then turned back to Hars.

"Your men reportin' anything funny?"

Hars shook his head.

"You sure? Would they even know if they were being followed?"

Hars scowled.

"You sure you wanna be questionin' me about the trainin' I give to my men? We're Night's Bloom... we been sneakin' in, out, around, and away from places LONG before you and your cronies showed up. We know how to keep from being spotted... now if you and your chaps top-side need a lesson or two in stealth, I'd be happy to arrange it for ya."

"Don't bother... We don't hide from our enemies."

"Well don't come crawling to me when you've got a sniper's cross-bolt sticking out of your gullet."

The two men stared at each other for a few moments while Rivus continued to eat.

"Boss wants to meet tonight. We'll talk about Chain then."

"We know." said Hars. "We'll be here. Is that all?"

"For now. I'm goin' to find N'doki."

"You poor soul," said Rivus.

"Tell your men to keep their eyes open. Or better yet... since you people hide so well, just stay down here in your little play-pen. Don't take any unnecessary risks until we figure out what's going on."

"Risks? Us? Never."

Eric frowned, then saw himself out.

"Annnywaaaay..." said Rivus. "What were we saying?"

"Gold. Tonight."

"Yeah. Mereth says we've got a couple of guard on horseback in front and another couple in the rear. One on top with the driver..."



Chain stood on a street-corner just a few blocks away from December's store. Beside him was Thalk, one of his best soldiers. With Thalk's array of heavy sword and shiny armor, and Chain's namesake weapon wrapped around his own waist, the pair of them drew odd stares from the majority of the citizenry as they passed by. It didn't matter. The time for hiding was over.

"There he is." said Thalk.

They watched as December left the store, accompanied by a little girl and a woman.

"Who are they?" said Thalk. "Wife and kid?"

"He's not married, and he has no kids."

"They're shields, then," said Thalk. "He thinks we won't attack with the woman and child around."

"And we won't. It's too early. December is our last target. We need to force his hand first... make him desperate, so he'll reveal everything he has in his arsenal."

"Speaking of which, the man we put on December hasn't reported in yet."

"He's dead." said Chain. "December didn't get to be the man he is by letting petty criminals follow him around. We'll find our guy frozen in an alley somewhere... I should have put one of my best on it."

"Have the others reported in?"

"Those that are still alive. Belladrox got a fix on Lovvorn's magic... we'll be able to follow him no matter *where* he goes or how he gets there. We should be able to block his teleports, too."

"What about Hood?"

"He's an enigma... even more so than the necromancer. According to what we could drag out of Bradley, Hood is *definitely* someone we'll want to take out from a distance."

"Sniper. Is Bradley up to it, or do I need to commandeer that fancy new bow of his?"

"He'll do it. He's not gonna get any sleep at night as long as Hood's still walking around."

"What about the necromancer?"

"I've 'acquired' something special for him through one of our supporters. Holy torches. Amulets. Enchantments for the weapons. Even with that, we'll need to attack in mass... we're gonna

lose some men on that one, but we'll get him sure enough. "

"That leaves the woman."

"I'll handle her personally. We strike tonight... take out Hood and the mage first. Then N'Doki."

"You're forgetting the Night's Bloom-"

"No I'm not. Tonight they're going to take THEMSELVES out of the equation... By morning they will have ceased to be a factor."

"So what now?"

"Call everyone off. Except for Belladrox, I want him to track that mage. For now we let December have his day in the sun. I hope he enjoys it, because if he's still alive come morning... he'll wish he wasn't."

[To Be Continued]
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