Dark Icon Original Fiction. SciFi/Fantasy/Horror

Ladies Night

Chapter 7: Questions


Several buildings away, Zade lowered the woman to the ground. She started smacking her on the face to wake her up...

"hey... HEY! Wake up!"


Maria opened her eyes and looked up at Zade. When she started to scream, Zade clamped her hand down over her mouth.


"Just a couple of questions... then I'll let you go..."


Val'keth clung to the wall halfway up, and looked back to see why no bolt had blasted her out of existence. To her surprise, she saw the stranger vanishing down the road, gliding along a couple of feet above the dirt. She was tempted to follow him, but decided that would be foolhardy, and she was no fool.

At least she didn't have to worry about HIM for the moment, she thought, looking back over her shoulder.

Zade. And the woman. And her daggers.

Val'keth dropped back to the street, and wandered back to retrieve her weapons. The two daggers lay on the street where they had bounced off the stranger's shield, but to her amazement, she found her prized dagger still lodged deep in the hounds back. With a sickening wrench, she pulled it free, shaking the remnants of flesh off the blade and barbed spines. She wiped it on the dogs fur, cleaning the worst of the gore off before thrusting it back in its sheath.

A small flicker of movement caught Val'keth's eye, and she bent to the ground and picked a small fragment of dusty cloth from the ground. She held it carefully by one corner, hid it in her belt pouch, then strode over to where she had last seen Zade. The dust on the street showed a few faint prints, deeper than normal, and Val'keth followed them between the buildings, one hand on her sword in case the stranger returned.

Then a muffled noise caught her attention, and Val'keth headed straight toward it.

"Well! Our paths cross again." She glanced at the terrified woman on the floor. "I doubt he'll be back to bother us again tonight. His shield was good, but not infallible. And he's significantly weaker without that dog of his."

"So, has she got the answers?"


Zade was startled when Val'keth appeared. She hadn't expected to see the elf again, but now that she was here, Zade was both annoyed and relieved. She'd still have to kill her, of course... but that would have to wait at least until they got their answers from the woman.

"Tell me what you know about the guy who attacked you. What did he want?."

Zade removed her hand from the woman's mouth.

"Wh- where's Mr. Oswold?"

"Wrong answer. I'm being nice here, but I've had a long night. Don't make me get ugly.."


"Zade, you already ARE ugly! That's hardly much of an incentive, now is it."

Val'keth turned to the woman on the ground, her dark eyes gazing at the frail form.

"It really would help if you answered. I can't be responsible for what she'll do to you otherwise..."

She left the comment hanging there, watching the woman's face flicker with fear and grinned widely.


"I... I don't know. He attacked from nowhere... Him and that horrible animal of his! Oh... oh tell me, is Mr. Oswold all right?"

"He's probably just fine now. No worries or problems at all."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"What did he say? The Stranger... what did he do?"

"He... he was in my mind. My MIND! It hurt! He was... he was LOOKING for something... for someONE..."


"I ... don't know."


Zade stood.

"Searching for someone," she mumbled. "But why is he attacking total strangers? Unless... unless he doesn't KNOW what his target looks like..."


"Mmmm. Mind you, can he SEE them. Didn't look like he had much in the way of eyes, so maybe he doesn't see people's bodies - just their minds."


Zade tried to ignore the elf's comment... but it did make sense. It certainly fit what they had already seen...


Val'keth paced back and forth, scowling.

"At least we know it's neither of us now, or he wouldn't have fled."

Val'keth stopped pacing, and stared at Zade.

"But the question is, who IS he looking for, and why. If we can get that information, I can see a lucrative opportunity there."

She grinned, then added, "Of course, that's if you don't still want to kill me..."


"Of course I'm still going to kill you," said Zade. "And no, we DON'T know it's neither of us. He scanned my mind earlier, so I know it isn't ME... or this woman here."

"Maria... my name is Maria..."

"Anyway... Unless he took a good look around inside YOUR head, then you're still on the list of possible targets. He fled because he was outnumbered... especially without his dog. I guess he isn't as tough as we first thought."

Zade thought for a moment, and an idea occurred to her.

"That dog's body is still out there, unless he came back for it. Maybe we should go and take a look at it. It could have some clues as to where this guy is from."

"Hell...," whispered Maria. "...the dog is from hell... I SAW it!"


Zade started to walk away.

"Hey, what about ME!" yelled Maria.

"What ABOUT you?"


She smiled at Zade's answer, looking forward to rubbing the woman's nose in the dirt - and this time without interruptions to spoil the challenge. She knew she wasn't the target now, too much time had passed, and the priestesses would have shown themselves already.

"Yeah, the dog's still there. It stinks - the woman might be right. I've seen other - things - from hell before, and the smell is very similar."

She turned to the woman, adding, "You, go home. Forget this ever happened. And if you so much as whisper a word of this to anyone, you'll find yourself in hell with that hound's family for company."

Val'keth laughed as the woman ran off, then followed Zade back to the dog, kicking it in the snout for good measure.

"Damn thing ate my bow, too," she grumbled, "he'll pay for that and more besides."

Her fingers deftly smoothed through the matted fur, searching for anything that might yield a clue as to where the pair had come from, then she picked up the dog's feet and examined them carefully. Val'keth picked little bits of dirt and hair out, examining them briefly before dropping them to the road.

"You know, if he has one of these dogs, what's to stop him getting another," Val'keth said as she straightened up. "We ought to go after him now, stop him from resting - his powers should weaken without sleep."

Then she sighed, and turned to Zade.

"Look, you and I share *some* similarities. But one of them is that neither of us, based on what I've seen so far, can even begin to come close to the powers he wields. I know you weren't honest with me earlier. I don't trust you either. But think about it. I've had at least two opportunities to kill you now, and I've restrained myself. If you know someone that can help us find out what this *thing* is doing in Montfort, then find them. Dark-elf I may be, and in your surface-dwellers eyes marked as disloyal and untrustworthy - but I am no slave to the Spider Goddess and the power she wields over her minions."

Val'keth shrugged, her eyes staring into Zade's. "You work for December. December's shop is riddled with wards. He has access to at least one powerful mage, probably more. Do you want to stop wasting time and start being a little more open with me, or shall we let the stranger recuperate a little longer. Your choice."


Zade ran her fingers through the stinking dog's fur. There were bits of twigs and small stones... Zade pulled a few free and made a small pile on the ground.

"December pays good money for his wards just like any other shopkeeper," she said, not really addressing the issue. She slid a dagger free from her belt and twirled it with her fingers in her best imitation of Eric Hood. Then she thrust it into the beast's body just under the bleeding stump where the head used to be. With a rough, sawing motion, she began slitting the beast open. The flesh was tough, and the fur was supernaturally rigid... but she still made steady progress.

"We can follow this guy and try to wear him down... hoping that only ONE of us gets gutted in the process. OR, we can find out who he's after and set a trap for him. Maybe reach them before HE does. I prefer the second option... although YOU are more than welcome to run along and try it your way."

Zade shook her head as she removed the knife and yanked the beast's belly open. Actually, Val'keth's idea was just as good as her own... but that meant that hers was just as good as Val'keth's. Zade decided not to kill the elf just yet, because the elf had been right about one thing. Val'keth could have gotten the drop on her a couple of times, but she didn't. That meant that the elf needed her around for something, even if it was just to get the Stranger off of her own trail. That put Zade in a superior position.

"All right... let's see what doggy's had for dinner."

Zade reached inside the beast and pulled out the contents of its stomach. Mostly it consisted of bloody chunks of half-digested flesh, but there was an occasional scrap of clothing, and even a nice gold ring... still attached to a severed finger. Zade tossed the flesh, but removed the items and dropped them onto the rapidly growing pile.

"Empty," she said. "Let's pack this up..."

Zade stood, and looked around for the man that had been here earlier. He wasn't where she remembered... he had dragged himself several yards away before he collapsed. He was dead. Zade removed his weapons. She tossed the broadsword away... not even offering it to Val'keth... and she kept the battle-axe and miscellaneous daggers for herself. She tore off a large piece of his shirt and carried it back to the hound's corpse.

Then she returned to the hound's corpse and used the cloth to wrap up the items she had retrieved from its fur and stomach.

"Okay," she said. "I can find out where this hound's been. That may give us an idea of what he was doing here... and what No-Face was after. You can try to track him down, or you can try to follow me. But realize that if you follow me, then I'll have to kill you when this is over."


The slim dark-elf laughed. And laughed again.

"What is it with you," she gasped, catching her breath. "I'm beginning to wonder how the rest of Montfort survives with such a determined predator as you around. Let's weigh up the options here, I can either go after No-Face, and end up dead, or I can follow you, and end up dead. Or I can just quit right here and now, and leave you to sort out this stinking mess - and probably stay alive. I'll come visit your grave when No-Face turns your head inside out, though - if they find enough of you to bury, that is."

Val'keth smiled, never one to take the easy option.

"I'll see you later, oh irritating one," she said as she ran into the shadows and disappeared into the night once more.

She knew Zade would be expecting her to follow, and Val'keth was loathe to give her the satisfaction of being right, even though curiosity was gnawing at her soul about the rest of December's organization. The lure of the challenge became too strong though, and she lithely slipped around the buildings and waited downwind for Zade, intending following her. After all, she still had the piece of cloth, and that would, she hoped, be just as useful - if not more so, than the collection of disgusting gut-coated objects Zade had found in and on the hound.


For the second time that night, Zade watched the female elf walk away. She had no doubt that she would be seeing her again. Probably sooner rather than later.

Zade lifted the pack of items and started walking back towards the center of town. Lovvorn might have been able to help her fight the Stranger, but he'd be of very little use in figuring out what the psionicist was after. For that, she would need help of a different kind.

As she walked the streets of the commercial district, she found that there were still quite a few people round. Some shopkeepers slept in their stores, while others simply stayed very to take care of paperwork. Whatever the reason, the streets were far from deserted. Most of the men steered clear of her... probably mistaking her for a rogue of some kind. A few flashed smiles, which Zade acknowledged with her usual sneer.

Every once in a while, Zade stopped to listen. There was no sign of pursuit, but that didn't mean that no one was there. The elf had an uncanny knack for showing up unannounced which grated on Zade's nerves. Even though stealth never was Zade's strong point... or her style... she couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy.

But if the elf WAS following, then Zade knew with almost 100 percent certainty that Val'keth wouldn't be sneaking around this area for long. Not after Zade got where she was going.

"I know you're out there," Zade mumbled. "Better watch your back. No matter how sneaky you are... there's always something quieter. And deadlier."

Zade continued on her course, and came to her destination in just a few more minutes.

The House of December.

Zade paused outside her employer's store. She hadn't expected to be back here this night, especially so soon after leaving. But here she was. The inside was brightly lit, despite the lateness of the hour. Zade looked through the window and saw the store's sole occupant... a small, thin woman with long blond hair. She was removing the jewels from one of the cases and placing them in a large crate.

The woman was cute in a childish sort of way, although Zade still thought she had the body of a seven year old boy. Her name was Theesa, and she was December's... girlfriend.

The very concept made Zade cringe.

December, himself was nowhere to be seen.

Must be in the back, thought Zade. Zade turned to examine the surrounding buildings. If December was here, then so was his personal messenger and bodyguard. J'Hasp would be out here somewhere, scurrying around in the shadows looking for spies and assassins. Like Val'keth.

Zade couldn't help but snicker, and then laugh out loud. She dismissed the wards and unlocked the door, and made sure to secure it again once she stepped inside.


A shadow detached itself from the darkness cloaking the city, and slipped across to the edge of the roof. Starlight glistened briefly in a pair of dark eyes as the cloaked figure crouched and watched Zade stride up the street.

Perched high above on the rooftops once more, Val'keth looked on with interest as Zade entered December's shop. She had an almost direct line of sight through the large plate glass windows, and smiled as she watched the two women greet each other.

Though no sound reached her, Val'keth knew sound wasn't necessary to understand. Her eyes followed the quick movements of their lips, taking in their posture and hand movements as well.


"Oh, hello Zade," said the woman inside.

"Where's December? In the back?"

"No, he stepped out to make the payment for the new carpet."

"New carpet?"

Zade looked down at the pure white carpet that covered the floor.

"Would you like to know what color its going to be?"

"No. Did... you know... go with him?"

Theesa shrugged.

"He'll be back in a few minutes if you want to wait. You can help me sort these jewels!"

"Oh, Can I Really!.... forget it. I'm here to see you, anyway."

"Oh? Come for some fashion advice? You know there ARE other fabrics besides black leather. You and I could go shopping-"

"Take a look at these,"

Zade dumped the contents of the hound's fur and stomach out onto the freshly cleaned counter.

"UGH!!" Theesa backed away. "Disgusting! Where did that stuff come from?"

"Most recently... you'd rather not know. Before then, I'm hoping YOU can tell ME."

"Ugh... I'm not touching those things! They STINK!" Theesa sniffed... "They smell like-"

"Brimstone. Among other things. Tell me what impressions you get off of them."


"Because I asked you nicely?"

"Why? What's so special about them?"

"Again... I'm hoping you can tell me."

"Well... I'll give it a try on one condition."


"I'll tell you where these items came from if you tell me why you want to know."

"Forget it. Not your concern."

"Oh well, I have jewels to sort. Have a nice night, Zade."

Theesa went back to sorting the jewels.

And why the hell is she sorting jewels anyway?

"Okay," Zade sighed. "There's some kind of lunatic out there killing people. These things belonged to the victims... I want to know what they had in common, and what the killer was after when he attacked."

"Oh," said Theesa. "A killer? Out there? I hope December's all right..."

"You're joking, right?"

"Oh. Right. Well... " Theesa picked up a ring from the pile. She made an unpleasant face when she felt the slimy coating. "Ugh..."

"What do you see?"

Theesa closed her eyes and opened her mind to the faint psychic impressions on the ring...


She smiled as she watched the conversation between the two, noticing that the woman felt able to jest with Zade. That in itself was significant, and implied that she had no fear that Zade would retaliate. Was she the mage, Val'keth thought, then dismissed the idea.

Only the most sheltered of mages would react like she had when Zade spilled the contents of the pile over the counter. Val'keth grinned again, certain that Zade found the woman's reaction just as amusing as she did. But she appeared to have some sort power, for the concentration on her face didn't go unnoticed to the elf watching from afar.

[Zade & Theesa]

"This ring belonged to a man," said Theesa. She had her eyes closed, and was describing the visions that came to her from the ring. "He was older... but still healthy."

"What happened to him?"

"They were-"


"Sorry. Sometimes I forget that you're not seeing what I'm seeing. The man and his wife were watching the sunset. The dogs were barking... OH! There's another man there... he burst through the door.. BY THE GODS, HE HAS NO FACE!"

"What's the man with no face doing?"

"The wife... he's going after the wife while the dog-"

Theesa swooned with nausea as she saw Louis Burg eaten alive by the Hellhound. She dropped the ring and backed away.

"What happened?" asked Zade.

"It was... was HORRIBLE! The dog, he ate-"

"The man with no face, what did HE do?"

"I couldn't tell... he was looking at the woman, and then she started screaming."

"Scanning her. For what? Did he say anything... any kind of clue as to what he was after?"

"No. This man... is that the one you're after?"

"Yes. I've fought him twice already, but I still have no idea who he is or why he's here in Montfort."

Theesa surprised Zade by taking another object from the pile. Zade would have though that after Theesa's first reaction...

"He's a horrible man. I'll help you find him..."

Theesa opened her mind to the knife.

"This man is drunk. He sees a woman. She's screaming for help... says someone is chasing her. It's him... the man and the dog."

"Does the woman say what the man wanted?"

"No. The man goes to protect her but... oh... oh that was over rather quickly." Theesa dropped the knife and moved on to the next object.

She examined them all, and they all told the same story. In attack after attack, the Stranger struck silently, without any indication of what he wanted. He used the Hellhound to deal with any interference, usually with fatal results for anyone who dared.

"Nothing," said Zade when Theesa finished. "Nothing at all."

"Well, there's that thing he said..."

"'You are not the one,'" said Zade. "That tells us he's looking for one person... but that he doesn't know what the target looks like. He has to search their minds every time."

"Then there's the fact that he attacks only women," added Theesa. She was weary and more than a little unsettled from her efforts. "All the men who died were just in the way."

"Right. He's looking for a woman, but he doesn't know who."

"I'm afraid that's all I can tell you from these things. Maybe if you had something that belonged to the man himself... a piece of his clothing, maybe?"



Just one block away, a large, cold shadow fell across the street. The shadow was shortly followed by it's owner, December. The jeweler strolled confidently... unworried about the harsh Montfort criminals that were rumored to prowl the streets at night. Perhaps it was because he was one of them... or perhaps it was because, no matter how things seemed, December rarely walked the streets alone...


The hideous, humanoid man-creature leapt silently from one building to the next. Dagger-like claws sank into the brick as if it were soft bread. The creature hung there for an instant, turning his bulbous, fur-and-scale covered head in all directions while sniffing for scents that did not belong.

...sniff, sniff, sniff, SNORT...

There was someone nearby. A scent from a direction that no one should be. J'Hasp frowned, then used his claws to chip away a tiny piece of brick. He tossed it down at his master's shoe as December walked past.

December kept walking as if nothing had happened. The message had been received. There was danger nearby.

And J'Hasp would deal with it in as swift a manner as inhumanly possible...



The dark-elf smiled as she followed the conversation. This woman Zade was talking to seemed to pick up a lot from objects. Val'keth wondered what she would make of her dagger, resisting the urge to find out. Perhaps another time, she decided. Zade really hadn't found out any more about the stranger than they already knew - but the woman's last comment had Val'keth's fingers dropping to her waist to grasp the pouch.

With the scrap of material she had, and this woman's peculiar gift, Val'keth knew they might unlock some of the reasons behind this strangers sudden appearance in Montfort. She thought quickly, deciding how to make the most of the valuable scrap of evidence she held.

An agreement? No. She knew all to well they rarely lasted longer than the words that made them. Some nice trinket or a pouch of gold? Appealing, but it still didn't gain her what she REALLY wanted.

Her head whipped around as she flattened to the roof. She had heard, no - FELT, something up there with her. Her fingers edged toward a dagger, slipping it free of its sheath, as she carefully checked her surroundings.


But she couldn't shake the feeling of unease. She looked around again, one hand barely touching the tiles - her fingers tuned to pick up footfalls or other vibrations as a spider senses prey in the jangling strands of the



J'Hasp climbed up the vertical wall as easily as a man would walk down a street. He paused just below the roof and sniffed out his prey...

...female... elf... awake and very tense...

J'Hasp stifled a mewling growl, then quietly walked along the wall until he close to where the elf was hiding.

He waited and listened.

Then, without warning, he launched himself straight up into the air. One claw clasped the edge of the roof, and he used it as a fulcrum to alter his course... flipping over and landing on the tiles just inches in front of the hidden assassin.

J'Hasp bared his claws... and his fangs. He hissed loudly, making a sound that was part cat, part snake, and part something else.

[To Be Continued]
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